Dr Raz Weiner

Research Fellow, Performance Research and Data Art

  • MA (Performance Studies, Goldsmith Collage)
  • PhD (Theatre Studies, Royal Holloway University of London)

Research focus
Testing and articulating the role of experiential and somatic knowledge in democratizing immersive, data visualization-based environments of decision-making for urban strategy.


Weiner is a maker and researcher of performance and political theory, specialising in the application of methodologies from theatre and performance in social research. In his first postdoctoral position at the Queen Mary University of London, Weiner worked with Dr James Eastwood to develop a gallery space as an engaging site for sharing and accumulation of community-based knowledge in research on histories of race and racialisation. He received his PhD from the Royal Holloway University of London, where his project explored the epistemologies of drag performance both as a phenomenological metaphor and as a research methodology of landscape and architecture. His MA project at Goldsmiths College studies dramaturgies of participation in performance. Weiner's work as a drag performer, actor, director, writer, and dramaturg features globally in various theatres, festivals, and performance venues.

Research focus
Testing and articulating the role of experiential and somatic knowledge in democratizing immersive, data visualization-based environments of decision-making for urban strategy.


Weiner is a maker and researcher of performance and political theory, specialising in the application of methodologies from theatre and performance in social research. In his first postdoctoral position at the Queen Mary University of London, Weiner worked with Dr James Eastwood to develop a gallery space as an engaging site for sharing and accumulation of community-based knowledge in research on histories of race and racialisation. He received his PhD from the Royal Holloway University of London, where his project explored the epistemologies of drag performance both as a phenomenological metaphor and as a research methodology of landscape and architecture. His MA project at Goldsmiths College studies dramaturgies of participation in performance. Weiner's work as a drag performer, actor, director, writer, and dramaturg features globally in various theatres, festivals, and performance venues.